Courses in our university
[element_courses number="12" columns="4" _id="181409" course_type="most_recent" layout_type="carousel"]
Considering sites like Reuters or the new iteration of New York Times and USA Today we can see how the web is shifting towards typographic compositions the content is king and the user interface is minimal but relevant. During this course we will learn how to structure an effective layout for a splash page and a news article template.
The technical writing profession is continuously evolving as technical...
The technical writing profession is continuously evolving as technical...
The technical writing profession is continuously evolving as technical...
The technical writing profession is continuously evolving as technical...
[element_events orderby="random" number="1" columns="1" _id="367305" layout_type="grid" item_style="grid-style2"]
[element_events orderby="most_recent" number="3" columns="1" _id="282568" layout_type="list"]
[element_countdown date="12/12/2017 00:00:00" _id="320788" title="REGISTER NOW" description="R0VUIFRIRSBDT0FDSElORyBUUkFJTklORyBCWSBBVVRIT1I8L2JyPkFQVVM8c3BhbiBjbGFzcz0idGV4dC10aGVtZSI+Rk9SIEZSRUU8L3NwYW4+"]
Errore: Modulo di contatto non trovato.
Considering sites like Reuters or the new iteration of New York Times and USA Today we can see how the web is shifting towards typographic compositions where the content is king and the user interface is minimal but relevant.
The technical writing profession is continuously evolving as technical...
The technical writing profession is continuously evolving as technical...
The technical writing profession is continuously evolving as technical...
The technical writing profession is continuously evolving as technical...
[element_course_lecturer number="4" columns="2" _id="723784" style="style2"]
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Accordo tra INFAP e FNA-Confsal per le agevolazioni con l’Università Telematica “Pegaso”
L’I.N.F.A.P. grazie a tale accordo offre un nuovo servizio di orientamento per coloro che vogliono svolgere in forma telematica corsi di Laurea, Laurea ...
Accordo tra INFAP e FNA-Confsal per le agevolazioni con l’Università Telematica “Pegaso”
L’I.N.F.A.P. grazie a tale accordo offre un nuovo servizio di orientamento per coloro che vogliono svolgere in forma telematica corsi di Laurea, Laurea ...
Accordo tra INFAP e FNA-Confsal per le agevolazioni con l’Università Telematica “Pegaso”
L’I.N.F.A.P. grazie a tale accordo offre un nuovo servizio di orientamento per coloro che vogliono svolgere in forma telematica corsi di Laurea, Laurea ...
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